Three lean years

What happened in our house

Three lean years

"Mama, I want to be a genetic engineer when I grow up.

I want to make a new species.

I can give you Mum the genes of a daffodil

so you can die every winter

and come back every spring again.

That way you can never die.

You’ll live forever.”

Sofie and I were walking

16 min read



Stories of Blueberry Forest - part I


It was the seventh night Abby was doing the same ritual. She sneaked out of the palace just before midnight to come back in the early morning.

“We have to try it Abby,” Solveig said to her the other day. “We don’t have a choice.” she added. “I know, Solveigh, but what if we get

4 min read


Abby the Great

Stories of Blueberry Forrest - part II

Abby the Great

Abby has arrived at dawn. She slid soundlessly through the palace’s rear gate at the back of east site of the palace. She had brought Lada to the stable first. She pulled his saddle out, she wiped her horse’s shiny hair and quickly cleared his hooves. She tried her best to erase all of

2 min read



What happened in out house


“Sofie is Wicked scary?”
“No, not really Sasha, but it is a bit emotional.”
“What does emotional mean?”
“It’s when you don’t know what you feel but you’re still feeling it.”

Being a stay-at-home mum was quite a new experience for me. I thought I was super busy previously but what awaited me

3 min read


The path of our life

What happened in our house

The path of our life

One evening when I was putting my son to bed I asked him “Sash shall I open the window to give you some fresh air?” Deep down I was hoping I can freeze him a bit so he could finally stop jumping and wriggling his body. As a matter of fact it was after a couple

4 min read


Should I stay or should i go?

What happened in our house

Should I stay or should i go?

Here I am. Sitting in the office of my dream job, as it once was. I’ve got 24h to revise my decision but how long would I not think, the outcome of it is quite apparent to me. Right now the only thing that matters is to get out of here for good. My mind

5 min read